Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Group Project

Adam Beard, Andrew Tran, and Josh Mannion are in my group and our topic is Migrant Workers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Production and Distribution Reflection Essay

Adam Beard
Honors Human Geography
October 14, 2010
Food Production Reflection Essay
            During this week and especially last week, I learned about food production and distribution in class. I saw through a movie that many cows are getting fed corn instead of natural grass, making them more prone to the risk of e coli, which can sometimes travel all the way to the supermarket they are delivered to. I also learned that many of the chickens that are slaughtered run the risk of disease just from the conditions they are living in. Many of these meats that our class has talked about have been badly maintained in many factories and slaughter houses, still usually ending up in the grocery store. Many meats go through sanitation processes but they still are sometimes unhealthy. This country needs to make sure that every meat is good to go and eat because healthy foods are more important than the money they make.
            Many cows today are fed corn feed instead of the usual grass they eat years ago. The reason behind this is simply to make the cows bigger faster in order for the meat company to gather more money from that cow than when the cow eats grass. The meat company is only concerned about the money they earn. They don’t even care about the healthiness of the cows, they just want to rack of the money to beat out other bigger meat companies. When the cows are fed corn products, they run the risk of major disease, like e coli. Many cases of e coli have been prevalent in the past decade and that number is rising with some of the victims even dying from the impacts of it. In all, the unhealthiness of cows has been delivered to our local supermarkets, making us make a choice if we should buy the meat. I think that something needs to be done to make our country’s meats free of contamination.
            I was very surprised when I saw that all of the chickens and cows in the film were just tortured by the people taking them to the slaughter house to be slaughtered. I saw all of the chickens being thrown around like they were footballs and the cows were being forced to walk even if they were too sick or too big to even take a step. I do not like seeing any kind of animal being abused especially, when there is no reason for it. All animals in my mind deserve to live and be treated nicely because they are all part of God’s creation. Another way to take the animals is by being gentle with them and treating them with respect. So instead of the animal being pushed and thrown around, they can do their own thing before they are sent to the slaughter house.
            Another kind of meat that is sold in the slaughter houses is organic meat. When meat is organic, it is all natural containing no hormones or preservatives. Meat is organic when the cows, chickens, or other animals are fed grass instead of the usual fat-containing corn. When the animals eat grass, they grow at a normal rate instead of getting bigger faster. I think grass is the best thing for an animal to eat because it is pure natural and it maintains good health throughout the animal’s growing time. Then, instead of the animal being super large, it is at its normal size and then it goes to the slaughter house to be made into meat. Organic meat also carries no chance of the meat containing e coli. The organic meat is then shipped to the local supermarket where it will contain the USDA Organic Seal to make known that the meat is organic. When my family shops at the grocery store, we always buy the normal meat but buying organic is another option we might consider since it is all natural and full of healthiness.
            Many foods from our local supermarket are from various locations that use a ton of gas just delivering the food here, which hurts our environment. That is why I think it is a better idea to make more locally grown fruits, vegetables, and meats so we don’t have to use all of that gas for it to get here. Then, we will actually know where it came from and that it is full of freshness.
Instead of having practically no knowledge on many of the foods we eat, we will know for sure what our locally grown foods have in them and how they are grown. More local grown foods in this country will help with our environmental issues and save a ton of energy from delivery trucks.
            With the unsustainability in our different meats, many people have started to buy organic foods more than just the regular meats. But many companies have responded to this issue of harmful meats by making the meat go through many sanitation tests to help diminish the chance they had for any kind of disease, which I think is better. Also, our generation of food production is much more careful and precise then years ago when there were only a few tests done to see if the food was contaminated. I will at least think about buying organic but I know food now a days is much more safe than it used to be and it is beginning to become more healthier, too. But I still like to see cows and other animals roam the fields free of harm eating the natural food in grass.
I might though change some of the choices I make at my local grocery store and choose things that I know are healthy and free of disease. This different selection of foods might also even change the way I eat in my everyday life. But I will definitely try and do one thing by encouraging everyone I know to always try and bur local foods if you can because it will save our country by not releasing all of these harmful gases into the air from these food delivery trucks. This will make our country more green and our citizens more proud of the choices they make.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Food Distribution Map,-93.857231&spn=72.468756,169.628906&t=h&z=3

Click the link above and the map will be there for you to look at

The approximate total mileage my food traveled is 65,272 total miles!

A big rig gets an average of 5 miles to the gallon, and diesel in my local area is $3.00, so the big rig uses about:

Gallons of Gas Used- 13,054 gallons

Cost of Gas- $39,163

Friday, October 8, 2010

Food Journals

Day 1- 10/4


Old El Paso Refried Beans
Knorr's Spanish Rice
Taco Bell Taco Shells and Seasoning
Butcher's Choice 80/20 Ground Beef
Kraft Triple Cheddar Cheese
Mario's Sliced Black Olives- Grown in and Product of the United States

Dutch Apple Pie

Cup of Polar Arctic Water
Cup of Sprite

Day 2-10/5

General Mills Lucky Charms Cereal
2% Reduced Fat Milk-Food Lion Brand

Nature Own's Deli Flats and
Oscar Mayer Turkey Breast and
Sargento Provolone Cheese and
Safeway Brand Mayonaise equals
A Turkey and Cheese Sandwich with mayo

Cool Ranch Doritos
Quaker Chocolate Covered Granola Bar with Peanut Butter
Amish made M&M Cookie
Traditional Chex Mix
Keebler Scooby-Doo Baked Graham Cracker Sticks
Dole Banana- Grown in and product of Costa Rica

Buterball Turkey
Food Lion Brand Gravy
Green Giant Green Beans and Bird's Eye Mixed Vegetables
Yukon Mashed Potatoes
Martha White Cornbread with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Margarine Spread

Mcdonald's Oreo McFlurrie

20 oz Grape Gatorade
Fanta Orange Soda
A couple of glasses of Polar Arctic Water

Day 3- 10/6

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes
2% Reduced Fat Milk- Food Lion Brand

Nature's Own Deli Flats and
Oscar Mayer Turkey Breast and
Sargento Cheddar Cheese and
Safeway Brand Mayonaise equals
A Turkey and Cheese Sandwich with mayo

Hormel Smoked Ham
Knorr's Four Cheese Bow Tie Pasta
Ronzoni Elbow Macaroni
Daisy Sour Cream
Kraft Triple Cheddar Cheese
Safeway Horseraddish Mustard
Fresh Garden Broccoli-Grown in and product of the United States
Fresh Express Iceberg Garden Salad- Grown in California

Sunshine Cheez- Its Baked Cheddar Crackers
Fritos Chili Cheese Corn Chips
Kelloggs Nutri Grain Bar Apple Cinnamon
Snyders of Hanover Mini Pretzels
Golden Delicious Apple- Grown in and product of Chile

20 oz Grape Gatorade
Cup of Water-Arctic Polar Brand

Dutch M&M cookie with Breyers Caramel Crunch Ice Cream topped with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup

Day 4- 10/7

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes
2% Reduced Fat Milk- Food Lion Brand

Nature Own's Deli Flats and
Oscar Mayer Turkey Breast and
Sargento Cheddar Cheese and
Safeway Brand Mayonaise equals
A Turkey and Cheese Sandwich with mayo

Quaker Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bar
Kelloggs Nutri-Grain Bar Cherry
Snyder's of Hanover Mini Pretzels
Betty Crocker Sour Triple Berry Fruit Gushers
Sunshine Cheez- Its Baked Cheddar Crackers

Holly Farms Grilled Chicken with Kraft Honey Barbeque Sauce
Knorrs Chicken and Vegetable Rice
Fresh Garden Broccoli- Grown in and product of the United States
TGI Fridays Chicken Quesadilla Rollups with Chicken

20 oz Lemon-Lime Gatorade
Poland Spring 16.9 fl oz Water Bottle

Friday, September 17, 2010

Where does the United States rank among the world in mean math and science scores?

The United States rank 25th in the world in mean mathmatical skills and they rank 20th in mean science skills among the world

Monday, September 13, 2010

Urdu Podcast Summary

Part 1

Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad welcomed this group of people into the United States while using some crude sayings including one that got everyone talking. The saying he said in Persian translated to "the boogeyman snatched the boob." Many people were not surprised about the saying, but to the person who said it because the president is the highest office on Earth and hearing him say it makes people, especially Iranians, sick to their stomachs

Part 2

A small community's way of life in the Northern section of Greenland has been affected by a break in a glacier. So a man named Stephen Leonard from Cambridge University is going to Northern Greenland to record their dialect and their hunting and gathering skills. Their dialect is called Inuctun, and is spoken by the Polar Inuit of this region.

Part 3

Foreign language films in the United States are not like they used to be. About ten years ago, these films were huge in the box offices where they made tons of money, some over $100 million. But the golden standard for today's date is about $1 million, which is excellent in today's standard. It is difficult to get money from these films is because some people aren't interested and the entertainment landscape today is so complex. Also, if reviews are bad, more people will not watch the film.

Part 4

A new reporter, language nerd Sofia Javed, speaks Urdu and explains the difficulties of the word that means the same thing as tomorrow and yesterday in Urdu. But this is not as confusing as the time when Sofia's cousin and her family was in Dubai. So when their family reached a roundabout, Sofia's cousin's father shouted a word in Urdu that meant go straight and turn right in Urdu. So the driver went right but the father actually wanted to go straight ahead, not right. All of these wrong turns really made the family go in the wrong direction all over Dubai.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How did 9/11 Effect Air Travel Internationally?

Katherine Flanigan, Emily Cassidy, & Adam Beard

Mr. Wojo

Honors Human Geography

September 8th 2010

How did 9/11 Effect Air Travel Internationally?

The attacks on September 11th had a major effect on the international air travel of the United States. Not only did this affect United States air travel though, it also affected air travel in other countries between the United States. The terrorist attack scared many people and even more so that the United States was not exactly prepared for this drastic of an attack. The country had to rethink everything from security, to new procedures that would be taken if this was to occur again. September 11th affected the air travel money income and the trust people had of the airlines. If a terrorist could board and take over more than one plane, what could stop it from happening again?

The number in plane passengers was a steep drop in the year 2001. It took years to build back the same number of flyers from pre-9/11 because people were wary of other attacks and the safety and security of the plane. People used other means of transportation around the time frame of September 11th and others refused to travel anywhere, out of caution. Thus less money was spent on air tickets throughout the world. With less money spent on flights, air travel companies began to suffer.

Security was also an important issue after 9/11. Passports were looked at in a more detailed way, to make sure no one was using a fake passport to gain access into the country. A list of wanted terrorists was sent out to airports so that if one of them were spotted at an airport, they would be unable to board a plane. The events of September eleventh and a bombing of a plane in Boston started the process of taking off your shoes when going through airport security. This then makes sure you are not hiding any items in your shoes.

Procedures had to be stepped up several notches to ensure that passengers of the plane were going to be safe. But, there was still the concern of planes flying into the United States that were not American airlines. There would be no way to improve the security of airports in other countries though some airlines did use the events of 9/11 to make sure that their own air transportation was not at risk. If only the United States improved their security then it wouldn’t matter when the security of a foreign airline was not careful of their passengers. Secret security members were placed on planes in order to maintain disruption if needed. This person is incognito to the passengers but not to the pilot or air staff.

After the 911 terrorist attacks, international flights flying into the United States greatly declined. Modern technology in airline flights has improved so now pilots can communicate with the control offices to see if something hazardous in the skies. Airlines now have state of the art radar so they can see any incoming objects. Also, there is a main control unit that will track every airline flight in the United States at a given time to be more careful. After these attacks, less money was spent on airline tickets and security fees for people flying internationally. The GDP of the United States also fell towards the end of 2001. That says that more and more airline flights have stopped coming into the United States during that year. There are even more airplanes being designed to withstand terrorist attacks. More and more flights were being missed, cancelled, or being rescheduled to a later date. This resulted in more people shifting their scheduled flights to another location to avoid coming into the United States.


This is a picture of all the air travel that was going on during the attacks on September 11th and every single one of the planes had to be grounded.

This is a graph that shows the amount of international air travel before September 11th and the amount after September 11th. The dramatic drop in international flights caused many airlines to let employees go because they could no longer afford to pay all of the employees.


"Aftermath of the September 11 Attacks." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.

"Air Traffic - NextGen Briefing." FAA: Home. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.

2013, By. "Travel Facts and Statistics
U.S. Travel Association." U.S. Travel Association. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.

The Economic Effects of 9/11 Rep. No. RL31617 (2002). Print.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Human Geography Terms

1. Globalization- the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally.

  Example- when you buy grapes in your local grocery store made in Chile or when you buy clothes made    in Indonesia

2.. Humanity- the quality of being humane; the human race; human kind

    Example- when I see groups of people working together

3. Culture-  the total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action

    Example- The Italians eat late in the night, which is a tradition for most Italian families

4. Civilization- an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached

    Example- Different kinds of cell phones have been created to improve your life

5. History- acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings

   Example- Researching different wars in the past like World War 2 that shape our lives in the future