Monday, September 13, 2010

Urdu Podcast Summary

Part 1

Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad welcomed this group of people into the United States while using some crude sayings including one that got everyone talking. The saying he said in Persian translated to "the boogeyman snatched the boob." Many people were not surprised about the saying, but to the person who said it because the president is the highest office on Earth and hearing him say it makes people, especially Iranians, sick to their stomachs

Part 2

A small community's way of life in the Northern section of Greenland has been affected by a break in a glacier. So a man named Stephen Leonard from Cambridge University is going to Northern Greenland to record their dialect and their hunting and gathering skills. Their dialect is called Inuctun, and is spoken by the Polar Inuit of this region.

Part 3

Foreign language films in the United States are not like they used to be. About ten years ago, these films were huge in the box offices where they made tons of money, some over $100 million. But the golden standard for today's date is about $1 million, which is excellent in today's standard. It is difficult to get money from these films is because some people aren't interested and the entertainment landscape today is so complex. Also, if reviews are bad, more people will not watch the film.

Part 4

A new reporter, language nerd Sofia Javed, speaks Urdu and explains the difficulties of the word that means the same thing as tomorrow and yesterday in Urdu. But this is not as confusing as the time when Sofia's cousin and her family was in Dubai. So when their family reached a roundabout, Sofia's cousin's father shouted a word in Urdu that meant go straight and turn right in Urdu. So the driver went right but the father actually wanted to go straight ahead, not right. All of these wrong turns really made the family go in the wrong direction all over Dubai.

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