Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daily Question #2

Is modern life "always" better than it was in the past?

Modern life is “better” than past life in a lot of different ways. First of all, there is more technology that helps humans succeed in today’s world than there ever was in the past. The technology that is accessible to us today has helped us humans learn about today’s world and what it is like everywhere in the world through online newspapers and encyclopedias. This was not the case in the past where you mostly learned about the world through words. Another way that modern life is better is that all humans have a wide selection of things they can choose from whereas in the past, your selection was very limited with very few of each item to choose from. Now, humans can choose from several different types of things, like cars and cell phones. In the past, there were fewer cars to choose from and there weren’t even cell phones to buy. Humans have so many things to choose from now that we don’t realize how good we have it in this country in these modern years. But in some ways, the past is better than modern life. In the past, kids made up their own activities and had fun with them. Kids back then were rarely bored like kids in today’s world, where kids rely on technology to be amused. Also in the past, parents were stricter where if their children got in trouble, they would learn never to do it again through a big smack on the head. Parents in today’s world are much laid back I think since they don’t do things to their children that would make them think about their decisions. Overall, the modern world beats out the past but there are some things in the past that make time back then better than today.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying here for the most part. I agree that there is a lot better technology and you have more of a selection to chose from, but that does not necessarily mean that it is better. Better is a very strong word because yes, the modern times is very different with a positive impact most of the time, but technology can also lead to many new problems. Being able to have all of the world's information at the tip of your hands can lead to many issues that would not have happened hundreds of years ago. You just need to keep that in consideration. But other than that, great job. You had a lot of good views.
