Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Question #4

Will a "hypertext" world make us more accepting of cyclic history?
The world we live in today is drastically changing. More people are going from printed sources to the computer to find sources and information. One reason behind this is the evolution of the internet. More and more people are using the internet more daily than ever and it is has more users than ever. Information on the internet is so abundant that you can find things on the smallest of topics. With the internet, we can accept cyclic history since we can find events that cause history in a click of the mouse. The internet is also popular with the creation of hypertexts. Hypertexts are links that you can follow directly with a click of the mouse. Hypertexts are usually underlined in blue so they are easily identified. With hypertexts, we can directly find information in a flash. So this means that hypertexts would let us know more about cyclic history since we could just follow links to see what events impacted other events that go in a cycle. Hypertexts would let us see one event, then another event, and so on. Hypertexts make it so easy to follow cyclic history since we can read event by event without just searching it on the internet. The information is right there in the hypertext to view historic events like in a cycle. So I think hypertexts and the internet contribute a lot to our knowledge of cyclic history since we can actually view information about history in a cycle of hypertexts. I also think hypertexts allow us to view history in such an easy way because with a click of the mouse, historic information is right in front of us on the computer screen. The internet and hypertexts are doing so much to improve our knowledge of history in a cycle. 

1 comment:

  1. Completely Agree. The hypertext is just like a cycle and ends up taking you back just where you started. Nice Job!! Explore more at
