Friday, May 20, 2011

The History of Adam's First Year

During Adam's first year at John Carroll, many things happened to him that made him another person. Over the course of this year, Adam got very good grades and got to experience a new world different from middle school. Experiencing 800 kids is way more than at his old school, which only had about 200 kids. Adam also made new friends that are better than all of his friends at his old school. Adam has also got to experience walking around the school to get to class, and sometimes he has had to walk very far. John Carroll has also given Adam way too much homework in his eyes. Adam has had some kind of homework every night, which is hard to complete when he has to play baseball outside of John Carroll three nights a week.

Adam has had fun hanging out with his new friends and has done a lot to improve his personality during is first year at John Carroll. He has became more patient with other students and has become more responsible ever since day 1 of this year. John Carroll has been challenging for Adam, but it has also been rewarding for him. Adam was nervous at first, especially on the first day, but ever since, he has adjusted to this new life in a new school. Adam has improved as a student as well as an athlete over the course of this year. The several tornado warnings that the school had us prepare for made Adam happy that we got to miss class, but also him mad because he had to stay after school for the last one until 3:30. Adam heard that these tornado warnings were the first the John Carroll had to prepare for since the 1970s! But overall, Adam's first year has been challenging, but fun at the same time and it has helped him experience a new world of people around him.

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