Monday, May 23, 2011

The Worst Job To Have

I think the worst job that I would want to have was the job as a fuller. The fuller had to tread for long hours, probably 7-10 hours, in human urine. The purpose of this was to soften the cloth and to soak out the grease to make coats and other clothing worn by knights and kings. I couldn't even imagine stomping in urine for that long. The worst part about it is inhaling that awful smell of the urine for that long. That would make me vomit and really get me sick. Treading in urine to me would be a horrible job with the awful smell and I would get very tired from running for a long time. What if you fell asleep on the job and you fell into the tub of urine. That would be so disgusting! The smell of your feet after the job would make me throw up and then you would have to go out the next day and do the job again. Your feet would never be cleansed from the smell of urine.

This job to me would also be very boring. Doing the same thing for up to 10 hours would completely bore me and it would make me want to do something else. But I guess the best way of making the cloth thicker in the Middle Ages was to tread countless hours in urine. Then the urine mixed with the grease in the tub you would stand in would make me sick. Treading in urine to me sounds like the worst job to ever have, with a putrid smell of urine rising up to your nose and with the smell of urine never leaving your feet until you bathe. This is why  I think the job as a fuller is the worst job to ever have.

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