Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 4b: Daily #2

Question: Do you think Alexander honestly felt like he was avenging Persian wrongs? Or was that just 
propaganda to mask his goal of conquest?

I think different people could have their own opinions to this question. Some people could say that Alexander actually wanted to avenge the Persians for what they did to Greece as a whole. Persians negatively impacted Greece with the burning of their temples and their acropolis, which was sacred to Athens. So when King Philip II died, Alexander wanted to avenge the Persians for destroying their religious buildings. People could say that Alexander was sick and tired of the Persians wrongdoings in Greece so he wanted to destroy the Persian Empire. This shows that Alexander the Great had an important reason to get back at the whole Persian Empire. Other people complain that Alexander really had no major purpose to destroy the Persian Empire. These people could say that Alexander had all of the power in the world at his current time and he just wanted to rule the ancient world with this power. With this power, Alexander the Great could conquer the whole ancient world in the blink of an eye. Alexander also could have conquered the world just to make himself known to the people living in the future. It is as if he just wanted to put himself in the record books and to be famous. Alexander conquered the world for fame, some people on the other side think, especially when Alexander had someone right next to him write down all of the events that happened during his journey. So some people think that Alexander had a notable reason for conquering the Persian Empire, while others think his journey was all propaganda. It just depends who you ask. 


  1. thats a good point that maybe he wasnt just looking to avenge his father but greece as a whole. sometimes people tend to look at only his father and not what happened to greece

  2. a) Perhaps "in the blink-of-an-eye" is a bit of a hyperbole. b) I'm interested in your idea that he might have been doing this "for the record books". Would like to see you look into the idea of fame and glory in Ancient Greece.
