Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 5: Daily #3

 Please write a brief biography of Hannibal and explain whether or not you think his reputation (in Roman eyes) as a monster was deserved.

Hannibal was born in 247 B.C. and he became one of the best military commanders in his time period. He lived during a time when the Roman Empire was gaining power in the Mediterranean, overcoming forces like Carthage. After Hasdrubal, Hannibal’s brother-in-law, was assassinated in 221 BC, Hannibal took over as military commander of Carthage. Then, Hannibal was going to take the Romans by surprise because he was going to invade them with a plan made from his brother-in-law. So in the spring of 218 B.C, Hannibal departed Carthage. He traveled north through the Pyrenees, slaughtering thousands of people along the way while also losing some troops. Hannibal traveled with his troops on war elephants, a unique way of traveling. Then, Hannibal made his way through the Alps in France, defeating all of the Roman fleets that he encountered. He then won two important battles as he made his way south down Italy. He won the Battle of Trebia and Battle of Lake Trasimene. But now came the battle of Cannae in Cannae, Italy in 216, B.C. The Romans had between 80,000 and 90,000 troops and they came prepared. But Hannibal knew his army was undermanned. So the Romans came right at Hannibal’s middle infantry. But the two cavalry of Hannibal, who were lined up on the sides, came in behind the Roman troops and slaughtered all of the Romans, not taking any of them as prisoners. This was one of the worst losses in Roman history and it made Rome think more about Hannibal. His reputation was like a monster in the Roman eyes after the battle at Cannae and it made all of the Roman citizens fear him. Hannibal just came in with fewer troops but he dominated the Romans with his unique military tactics. So I think Hannibal’s reputation as a monster was deserved in Rome because he was a nightmare for Rome after the Battle at Cannae. Hannibal just wasn’t bad, he was a monster that terrified all of Rome.


  1. I Sam Werneke have decided to be generous and grace with my endless span of knowledge and understanding. By commenting on this post you will be filled with my knowledge and could write a better post! So... You SKIPPED A DAILY?

  2. Nice post, I think you should use this link: to tell a bout how he died.
