Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 5: Daily #8

Question: Do you think Caesar's killers were justified in their actions?

I do not think Caesar’s killers were justified in their actions. Their reason to assassinate Caesar was completely wrong. Killing a great leader like Caesar was a very bad mistake since many Romans looked up to him as a special and born leader. Other people looked up to Caesar as a role model. I know that the Roman senators feared Caesar gaining in power, but following their first instinct to kill him was just a dumb idea. The senators were only focused on power, and if Caesar stayed alive longer, he thought of himself to be a great king. These Roman senators never thought about what Caesar could do in the long run, even if he made Rome a strong empire or completely made them fall. But Caesar never live another day after March 15 of 44 B.C.E. The assassination of Caesar was very gory, with him being stabbed over 20 times. It was not a pretty day on the Ides of March. It was easy to understand why these senators hated Caesar, but killing him wasn’t the right solution. Their actions killed a potentially great leader for the future and a person that Plebeians all over Rome looked up to. Being a dictator, many senators, who formed a group called the Liberators, also feared that Caesar would overthrow their Senate in favor of tyranny. So the Roman senators had reasons to kill Caesar, but their motives were not right, making their actions in the end completely wrong. Caesar’s killers did not do the right thing at all with this once great dictator of Rome. 


  1. Caesar's killers did not have the right to kill Caesar. But you didn't go into what happened into what happened to Caesar's killers.

    this goes into theleader of the plots life and what happend
