Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Final Exam #3

For an Afterlife, the Egyptians and the Greeks each had a different view on it that differed in each culture. The soul was used differently by what each culture believed. The Greeks believed that "at the moment of death thepsyche, or spirit of the dead, left the body as a little breath or puff of wind." (Death, Burial, and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece, 2011). The Egyptians believed that the soul continued to live after your death and the soul would be trapped in the tomb after you were mummified. Then the soul would go to heaven where it would be judged by the God Horus. In a process involving a feather, if the soul was lighter than a feather, you were allowed to proceed to the afterlife. So in the end, the Greeks and the Egyptians had very different view about their afterlife.

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