Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Final Exam #5

The Roman Empire and the United States are two very strong civilizations that possess many different characteristics. They each had their own culture and their different ways of living. The leaders are different and the governments are also different. The traditions in each are also different and the people themselves are also different. Many more aspects between the United States and The Roman Empire are different. The United States is not the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire since they each have characteristics that make them each different.

In each the United States and the Roman Empire, the head of government is different. In the U.S., the head of government is the President and in the Roman Empire, the leader is the Emperor. The President has a specific amount of terms while an Emperor has no specific amount of terms and can rule for however long they want. "Obama: No Fear of 2nd Recession" (Crusinger & Rugaber, 2011). The President did

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