Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daily Question #3 Week 2

Question: Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc.) or political/military conflicts? Why? (from Twitter)
  I personally think that artifacts of the humanities are a better roadmap for history because the many different kinds of artifacts depict history in their own and unique way. History is well shown with different kinds of these artifacts, especially from other cultures. The great thing about these artifacts is that each culture in history from Egyptians to Europeans have their own way of depicting art and architecture and music and dance. Each country’s own resemblance about these things plans a better roadmap of history that we can see happen over time. Also, each country’s way of showing their culture can actually develop over time and be used in another form in more modern cultures. Art is good for history because we can see art being made in caves, like we saw in class that makes us think about history. Music is good because hearing different kinds of music can let us find out what people were thinking about back then, leading to history that could have happened. Literature is good because we can see what people wrote down back then and see if we can find any records that could result in history. Philosophy is a good artifact for history because many great philosophers back then, like Socrates, could write down ideas of past events that now can be used to see if history actually happened. Architecture is also good because we can see how people back then lived and what buildings they would use in their daily lives and compare it to how we live in today’s world to see history. All of these artifacts of humanity express history in their own kind of way with a good description of history through each artifact. So overall, I think these artifacts would lead to a better road map of history because we can see history being made clearly through each artifact, especially in different kinds of cultures.

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