Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3: Daily Question #4

Question: War is a form of technology". Agree or Disagree.
I think war is a form of technology in a number of ways. One way war has to do with technology are the weapons used in war. War involves a variety of tools and weapons and back then, weapons were a major form of technology. War was probably the best form of the definition of technology at a time far back ago. Even though technology has progressed and advanced, all of the concepts of war had to do with technology. Another way war is a form of technology is a more advanced form of war, a cyber-war. Cyber-wars use technology in today’s world to fight instead of weapons. Cyber-wars model today’s definition of technology, which involve computers and cell phones. Cyber-wars show that just like concepts of technology progress, so do concepts of war. Another way war is like technology is that war involves methods of thinking and advancements in ideas and thoughts. In war, you need a strategic plan or a system of steps to defeat the other side in the battle. Just like war, technology involves a system of thinking to advance in new forms of high-tech devices, like new forms of cell phones and new models of monitors for computers. War also contains another form of technology known as medicine. War has do with medicine to make all of the soldiers feel better so they can go out and fight in the war. Medicine is important for healing wounded soldiers to minimize their injuries and letting them go out and fight more quickly. Medicine technology involves advancements in new forms of medicine and war uses all new kinds of medicine. All of these ways I talked about make war a very significant form of technology. 

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