Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 4b: Daily #1

Question: What compels someone to lead others?

People are compelled to lead for many different reasons. One reason that pushes someone to lead is because of the power they think they have over everyone else. When people think they have a lot of power, they want to be a leader and be the boss over other people. Power is important to be a good leader and when people have this, they are pushed to rule others and lead them. Another reason people are compelled to lead is because they have the energy and that driving force in their bodies that tell them to be a leader. Many people have a passion for leading from energy that drives them through each day. To be a good leader, you need that driving feeling and motivation to carry out the duties of a good leader. Energy in people helps them lead others with a passion for it, too. When people have the energy and passion, they think that they can do magnificent things only a leader could do. To also be a good leader, a person needs to have good leadership skills. If someone has no clue how to even be a leader or lead others, then they are not fit to serve as a leader. But if you possess good leadership qualities, you can lead others in the blink of an eye. With good leadership skills, we can accomplish tasks only a great leader could and we have success doing it. Also, if we can actually get to know the people we are leading, being a great leader is now a much easier job. All of these qualities make a good leader and if someone can possess all of them, a good leader can easily come about. 


  1. I agree that leadership is a great quality and i think that someday you or I could become a great leader.

  2. This is a great daily. You get your point across. Your points about leadership, energy, and power are great! You describe this very well! Your blog is great!
