Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 3 Daily Question #1

Question: What is the oldest human-created artifact that has mattered to you? Why/how does it matter? (from @butwait on Twitter)
The oldest created artifact that has mattered to me are the pyramids in Egypt. These structures are so massive and it makes you think about how much time and energy it took to build these structures to their sizes. Also, it must have been so hard to gather all of the material to build these pyramids, especially on a time when fewer resources were known to man. The Great Pyramids in Egypt started to show how people in our world could create gigantic structures from only man-made materials. The Great Pyramids also showed how the work that people put into huge projects, like the pyramids, paid off and was actually worth their work that they put into them. The Pyramids in Egypt matter to me because it makes you think how ordinary people like us could have possibly built such big structures and how they did it. This also matters because if the pyramids were so massive, then the pharaohs at the time must have been so important to Egypt’s civilizations since the pyramids were their tombs, which must have also been huge. It is as if the gigantic pyramids were a reward to how well the pharaoh was during his lifetime. I think the pyramids in Egypt mattered to society because it was the beginning of building at this time and it modeled how people in the future could word to build masterpieces in their region of the world. Pyramids shaped the architectural future in the world and mattered for other civilizations to model Egypt’s fantastic and magnificent pyramids.

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