Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 4b: Daily #6

Question: Was Alexander the Great a "good leader"? Compare/Contrast with Pericles.

Alexander the Great was a “good leader” and so was Pericles. Both of these leaders helped their city states rule through their times and they each had their own strategies that lead to success. Unlike Pericles, Alexander the Great went straight for the pray and put his military plans straight into action. Alexander worked very fast to become of the greatest commanders in the Ancient World. Alexander the Great wanted everything done quickly so he could create a huge empire that he could rule until he died. But Pericles used more caution and less military actions in his methods. Pericles was more focused on fixing up Athens with vast structures like the Parthenon and he made Athens the leader of the intellectual world. So Alexander the Great was a great military man and commander while Pericles was a man of knowledge and of the arts with architecture and theatre. Also, Alexander the Great lead one of the largest empires in ancient history while Pericles lead only the city state of Athens. But even though these two leaders had different approaches to wars and events, they each were great leaders who did so much for their city states that lead them to success. Alexander the Great was a good leader because he led his armies very confidently so they would come out a winner every time they attempted to invade a country. I think Alexander the Great was recognized as a hero to many people in his army and they looked up to him as a role model. With his unique tactics as a leader, he was more than better than a good leader, he was an extraordinary leader in his time, along with his skilled armies at his side. 

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