Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 4b: Daily #9

Question: Could a force like Alexander the Great exist today? Why or why not?

I do not think a force like Alexander the Great could exist today for a number of reasons. First of all, there are so many people in the world that if you had this kind of power, there would be enough people to stop that leader. It is very hard to obtain all of the power Alexander had in today’s world since there are armies and soldiers of all kind to stop him permanently. The world today, especially the United States, has power in the people who could stop a force similar to Alexander the Great. Another reason a force like him could not come about is because power in our world today is very limited, unlike in Alexander’s time. Back then, power was abundant and Alexander the Great used it all to create a huge empire. But today, our world has many leaders who have an equal amount of power and authority. Since power is doled out equally to each leader, no leader can have an abundant amount of power. This means that no force could have the power like Alexander the Great to be a driving force in the world. The last reason a force like Alexander could not come about is because each country has its own strong army that is capable to stop a force like Alexander the Great. The United States, for example, has maximum security that could stop a leader from invading our country and we have allies that could help us with this. Other countries have this too where they can stop a powerful force. All of these reasons show how a force like Alexander the Great could not exist in today’s world. 


  1. I don't agree cuz how did Hitler do it? He raised his army in Germany and just went to work on the other countries. I think a force could rise up again. I could be the leader cuz im awesome

  2. would he be more famous becuase or less famous as he was back in his time?
