Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekly #3

Adam Beard
Honors Western Civilization

The megalith that we made has several theories behind it. One theory with our megalith is a famous Olympian track runner who ran the fastest time in the history of the Olympics back then. So to honor him, our megalith was used as a burial site of this famous Olympic track runner. A Greek myth says that the Olympic runner breathes fire through the pipe at the bottom of the megalith, which makes the fire spit out of the fire pit in the middle of our megalith. The fire pit in our megalith comes from the fire of this amazing Olympic runner buried underground. Another use of our megalith is as a bonfire where people make sacrifices for good luck at the Olympics. As sacrifices, people use lambs from Greece to throw into the fire pit, which symbolize good luck for everyone participating in the Olympics.
Since our megalith is in the middle of a track, after people run in the track, they use the benches surrounding the fire pit in the megalith to rest and warm up when it is cold outside. The megalith is a perfect place to rest since it is so close to the track. Also, another myth says that the four standing stones in the megalith are curved inward for protection from outside. The myth also says that the four big stones are in a circle to model a city’s walls back in ancient times. Just like how there are walls that circle and protect the city, the standing stones go in a circle to protect the fire pit in the middle with people sitting around it. So our megalith has many theories and myths behind it, with some being very strange. But these myths are what make our megalith important and what it represents so the rest of society knows about why it is here today. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the models and the backstory. One thing: the Olympian Greeks you are discussing were not living during the Neolithic Era nor did they leave megaliths.
