Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 3: Daily Question #5

Question: "Structures, both social and physical are continually improving." agree or disagree (from @thecorcoran)
I think structures are improving both physically and socially because of the growing intellect of the people in our world. There are so many smart and bright people out there in today’s times that they are able to make buildings so much more suitable to other people. More ideas have progressed throughout time that we can use to improve the structures around us during the construction of these buildings. Social structures have improved greatly to support our growing and more social society and physical structures have improved throughout time with more known stable resources to build sturdy buildings. The advancement of time has allowed society to progress in their thoughts and actions to build bigger cities with the creation of more tall and modern structures. Social and physical structures have come a long way in just a couple of decades. Humans now of days have become so advanced in their thoughts that they can improve public structures to the point where people want to start living in them. Vast structures have come about, especially in foreign countries like Japan. The planning of Sky City is one example of an extremely tall building in Tokyo. Sky City is going to be one of the tallest structures on this planet when it is completed. This shows that the human race has improved different structures on Earth with great ideas to improve our world’s current buildings. Buildings today have become safer and more equipped with things that are needed to improve our lives. New ways of designing buildings is what is great about our world. Buildings have changed from what they used to be, but they have become more favorable to the average human. Both social and physical buildings have changed to fit the needs of each human being in a particular area. Advancement in our past structures is what makes a positive change in our country. Structures today and in the future will continue to change to make our world a better place to live on. 

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