Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2: Daily Question #2

Question: You accidentally discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but only if you act immediately. On the other hand, if you just wait three months, you can secure a patent and get rich. Which do you choose and why?

I would choose to act quickly and use the invention to help the millions of people because there are so many struggling citizens out there that have barely enough of anything to live and this invention could immediately give them a boost to their own lives. This solution is also the right one I think because it is focusing more on the good of the people instead of on just us. I think helping millions of people is way more important than helping just one person, which would be yourself when you get rich. More and more people in today’s world are living in poverty and an invention that would help them I think would mean so much for them. This invention would get these peoples’ lives back on track and it would make me feel so much better about myself since I am helping them. I think helping millions of people is more rewarding then being rich. Money is good, but helping millions of others is just so much better. The millions of people would be so happy that they could look up to me as a role model and resect me for what I have done. Our world needs a lot of help and this invention could lead to an abundance of help for millions of people worldwide. There are some things money can’t buy and one of those things is happiness. Millions of people would be so happy that they wouldn’t have to worry about living in poverty. Money can be important but it is help that our world needs to lead us to a bright and successful future. 


  1. I think this a reasonable because you are helping millions of people but i think I would be a little more selfish and choose to paten it. You are a more moral person because you are saving lives and i am making money, which says something about your character.

  2. Why would you do that? Are you crazy? You could get rich off your patten so who needs people? I think if i were you i would just get rich off it. This is why I think your crazy.
